BTSC Website - Parents/guardians and swimmers should check the website for updates on a regular basis and to access important information about the club.

Google Classroom - Google classrooms have been set up in the form of a message board for both the general BTSC competitive membership and each training group. We ask that you write your full name when joining BTSC classrooms. Notifications can be set-up in settings to ensure you don’t miss a post. Click here to access codes. 

  • BTSC Club Communications Google Classroom: Geared towards parents/guardians of the BTSC and used for club-related information (team events and meet reminders) and a resource tool for the general membership.
  • Training Group Google Classroom: For parents/guardians and/or swimmers to receive important updates from their training group coach regarding practices and meets. 

TeamUnify - BTSC members can log into TeamUnify via the website or On Deck app to access information about their account and training schedule, and to sign up for meets and events. 

Social Media - BTSC uses Instagram and Facebook to share updates. Parents/guardians and swimmers are encouraged to follow. Please ensure you have reviewed BTSC’s Social Media Policy. 

Email - Emails will be sent out regularly and as required to advise members of BTSC business and updates. 

Parent Meetings - Meetings with training group coaches will be conducted throughout the season. Questions can be asked and concerns expressed. 

Annual General Meetings (AGM) - BTSC is a non profit corporation, made up of parent members, and is required to hold at least one annual general meeting each year. All members (parents/guardians) are encouraged to attend these important meetings. Information about the AGM will be posted on the website in advance of the meeting. 

Social Events - BTSC has a tradition of hosting social events that it strives to maintain. Swimmers and families are invited to attend them all. See the Team Calendar for more information. 

If you have any questions about communications at BTSC, please contact [email protected].